Friday, February 17, 2012

Learning about Fluency

I've been a little distracted this week as I was voraciously reading this fabulous book:
I'm taking taking classes for my reading endorsement and my current class requires a project in the area of comprehension.  One of the comprehension strands we studied was Fluency, and I figured that was an area I wanted to do more with in my classroom.  The project is to develop at least 6 lessons in the area of focus.  One of the resources I chose to help me was The Fluent Reader (2nd Edition): Oral & Silent Reading Strategies for Building Fluency, Word Recognition & Comprehension.  I got it on Wednesday (thanks to Amazon's great shipping!), and finished it up last night.  It was an easy read and so practical!  I loaned it to my friend and classroom neighbor to read over the weekend.  I'm so excited to get started on my project lessons and thinking through how to better implement Fluency into my classroom next year.  What do you do to promote Fluency in your classrooms?


  1. I pinned this book a while back, but I haven't gotten it yet. I'm glad to hear someone else really likes it as well. We do a lot of familiar rereads in my room. We also read lots of poems, and on Fridays we do readers theater.

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. I say fluent/fluency in my class so much that when we a student finishes reading and we give a little guy always says- "wow that was really fluent. It was like listening to the listening center"
    Sounds a little silly but you should see the Little in the chair light up!!!

    Going Nutty!

  3. I have the older version of this book and LOVE it! To help with fluency, I do a modeled reading of a short passage for students to hear what it should sound like. Then they go practice that short passage out loud 3 times to try to sound like me. Only need a few minutes to do this and it works great!
    Conversations in Literacy

  4. I agree that re-reading is one of the best ways to build fluency.
    With struggling readers in older grades I have used unabridged audio recordings of books that they really want to read but would not be able to access otherwise, but I get them to follow along with their finger in the book.
    I have even used this strategy with my own son throughout highschool. He is a real struggler when it comes to reading but I want him to enjoy literature rather than just pretending to have read the book, or just watching the movie. Audiobooks have helped him to keep up with the load in highschool. Now he is in his second last year and he is reading the book for this term on his own and really enjoying it. A long journey to reading but he got there in the end. :-)

    I had a group of struggling readers (mostly girls) in Year 4 a few years back. I had them do a project where they had to select a fun "read-aloud" book to practise and then read to our Year 1 buddies. They really liked this experience and it gave them an excuse for reading a book that might be a bit simpler and also got to enjoy reading.

    The thing I am going to try this week is using the video camera in the iPads to record students reading so that they can watch themselves and give their own feedback about fluency. They will get a second chance to "fix it" if they want so hopefully this will motivate them to read more fluently. We'll see how this goes!

    The Learning Curve


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