Friday, May 31, 2013

Homework Pass Free Download

I've started working on a few things to get ready to start my new adventure in fifth grade next fall.  I'll be sharing what I work on throughout the summer along with a few posts about some professional development books I'm reading for some summer book studies.  Last night I started thinking about what to do for student birthday's.  I decided to go simple and little cliche with the straw balloons.  A few fellow bloggers add a "no homework" pass to the balloon.  I thought that was a great addition too and whipped up these little cuties.

You can grab a PDF copy for yourself here.  I'm doing my classroom in a patriotic theme, so I used these great patriotic themed pencils from Krista Wallden you can find in her TpT store here.  I'll post pictures of the final birthday gifts when I finish them. 

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Freebie Fridays

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Friday, May 24, 2013

Five for Friday

It's time for me to join in on the fun and try my hand at the Doodle Bugs Five for Friday!  It's been a wild week for me.

1.  Our dear kitty went to heaven this week.  At only 18 months old it was something we didn't expect to happen.  He became very ill last week.  After an overnight veterinary stay, the vet didn't know what was causing his vomiting and lack of appetite.  So, we opted to take him home and see if the IV fluids and medications helped.  They didn't.  Our Rocky quickly declined and on Saturday we sent him to heaven.  I was in awe of my 9 year old daughter.  She handled it all so maturely. Here's a kitten picture of Rocky.  I didn't have quick access to a more recent one.

2. On a lighter note, today is my last day of school!  I've been working as a literacy instructional coach this year and decided I needed to return to the classroom.  I'll be teaching 5th grade next year.  I'm excited to blog more about my teaching and classroom.  If you're a younger grade teacher and have been following me, don't worry, all of my lower grade stuff will stay and I'll likely continue to add lower grade tips and products in addition to the upper grade tips and items that are sure to come. 

3.  Since I'm changing positions, I cleaned out my office yesterday.  I should have taken a before picture, but here's the after.  I've still got the computer up to work on summer workshops I'm teaching. It's a lovely cubicle in a trailer. ;)

4. My oldest daughter made the state competition team in her soccer club.  She's only played a year and has improved so much!  This is a tournament she played in over President's day weekend. She's the one in the middle facing out.  She's a great defender.

5.  I'm excited to spend the summer with my kids (between TpT, blogging and my part-time fabric store job) this summer.  Here's a darling pic of them.  This post has been a lot about family, but that's what is on my mind now and I enjoy hearing about the lives of the bloggers I follow, so hopefully you'll enjoy this post from me.  


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Monday, May 6, 2013

Fabulous Feedback

One of the most rewarding things about creating, sharing and selling materials is all of the kind feedback you all leave after purchasing and trying our products.  Christina at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge is having a linky to celebrate all of the fabulous feedback.  Remember that when you leave feedback after your purchase, you receive points that can be used toward future purchases on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Here's some of the great feedback that has been left for a few Dilly Dabbles products:

About the 1000 Fry Word Assessment and Tracking Pack: 

Monahan Monkey Madness said: 
Thanks!! I can NEVER keep up with all these sight words and who is where and my goal for next year is to be more on top of it and organized!! Thanks so much for sharing this!!

Crystie Austin said: 
Thanks so much for this free product! It saved me a lot of time!

GinaLynne said: 
Just what I needed for documentation purposes. Thanks for the hard work!

About the Adding Three Numbers Pack: 

Jwintermote said: 
Whoo-hoo!! What a great collection of activities that go beyond just worksheets for practice. Thanks

dsabe1 said: 
Awesome resource. Perfect for my first graders!

tkruise2 said: 
Awesome! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all of the kind words and fabulous feedback!  Check out the Dilly Dabbles Store to view all of our products and feedback that has been left by users. 


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See the feedback and products from other sellers:

Links to some of the best product feedback on TpT!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Appreciation Sale

It's Teacher Appreciation Week and to celebrate you, TpT is offering an extra 10% discount for anything you purchase.  Additionally, most of the items in my TpT store will be 20% off.  Be sure to use the code TAD13 when checking out so that both discounts will combine for a total of 28% discount. (the 10% is taken after the 20% which results in a 28% total discount)  The offer runs Tuesday and Wednesday May 7 and 8.  If you miss those days, my store will continue to be on sale through May 9, but the additional 10% will expire at the end of the day on May 8.

Be sure you're following my store so that you will receive notice when new items are posted.  I'll have at least one new item posted for the sale and hopefully I'll get two items that I've been working on ready and posted.  Each of these new items will be posted at an amazing discount for the first 48 hours they are up.

See you all at the TpT sale!  I'll come back to post about my own purchases later in the week.  I'd love for you to come back and share yours as well!

Thanks to the following for the darling sale button:

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