Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Day in My Shoes... A Linky Party

I saw a post to this linky party from Taming My Flock of Firsties and thought it sounded like a fun first linky party to join up with.  Katy, from Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher is hosing this linky party on what a "typical" day in the life of a teacher looks like.

Here was my Friday, yesterday: 

5:40 Husband has been up for about an hour and comes back to the room to say his good-byes for the day.

6:30 alarm goes off, but I pushed snooze three times until 7:00

7:00 kids alarm has gone off and my 5 year old comes into my room and climbs in the bed

My 7 year old and 5 year old get ready, pretty much on their own for the day. (They are super kids!) 7 year old gets a bottle for the 1 year old and gets him out of bed while I shower and get ready. (Of course all of this would go smoother if I actually got up at 6:30)

7:45 Hurry everyone to the car

7:55 Arrive at the sitters and drop off the 5 year old and 1 year old for the day.  I take the sitter's son to school.  Realize that I forgot the baby's antibiotic for his current ear infection and run home to get it.  

8:20 Arrive back at sitter's to give baby medication.  

8:30 Arrive at school and stay in the car to finish my yogurt breakfast while the 7 year old heads into the building. 

8:35 Get to my classroom and get "ready" for the day. 

8:55 Students come into the classroom and we start our day. 

9:00-9:30 Shared Reading (We took our spelling Tests)

9:30-10:00 Writing (Students worked on their small moments writing and adding adjectives)

10:00 - Lock Down Drill

10:15 -11:20 Guided Reading (Usually starts at 10:00)

11:20 Class did a making words activity from the letters in tamale

11:35 Take class to Lunch / Eat my lunch

12:10 Pick up class from lunch

12:15-12:45 Math assessment on place value unit we just finished

12:45-1:45 Math centers while I do the interview portion of the math assessment

1:45-2:15 Friday Fun (choice time as a reward for weekly behavior)

2:15 - 2:45 Recess (usually just until 2:30, but it was a beautiful afternoon and the teachers were loving it as much as the students. 

2:45 Teacher Read, I read 

3:10 Clean up 

3:15 Dismissal Bell Rings

I Corrected spelling tests and checked in homework then gathered things to bring home. 

3:45 Met with parents for a parent conference they rescheduled from last week.

4:00 left school with 7 year old to pick up kids from childcare.  Went to the bank and then to pick up a pizza. 

5:00 Arrived home with dinner and the kids.


  1. I'm busy as it is without a husband or kids. I'm not sure how you wives and moms do it all. :)
    Forever in First

  2. When do we ever have that day when we don't forget to "bring the baby's medication". I always have days like this.
    I would love to talk to you about Guided Reading.
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

    1. Beth Ann, I'd love to talk to you as well. Send me an email at and we'll get the conversation going.

  3. I am really hoping to integrate more small groups into my 6th grade classroom!

    Thanks for linking up!
    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

    1. Katie,
      When I taught 5th grade, I loved doing guided math groups. It seemed to be the only way to reach all the levels of students. My co-teacher (we each taught half a day) also did literature circles alongside skill groups in reading. Thanks for the fun linky party!

  4. WOW! I have seen so many teachers that start at almost 9:00! I loved reading about your day! I found you through the linky party and am your newest follower! I love your blog! =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. Thanks Heather. Sometimes I think I'd like to start a little earlier and be done earlier. But it is nice to start a little later with kids to get ready.


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